April 2021


Why Does Mommy Say No? completed picture book manuscript.

A lot of work went into this stack!

Guess what, collectors.

My Why Does Mommy Say No? children’s picture book remake crossed the finish line. 

That victorious reality was still sinking in when I had the privilege of meeting with the Publisher, Bandersnatch Books last weekend.  This amazing opportunity was a result of their interest in the concept of Why Does Mommy Say No? The meeting lasted 3 hours as I presented Why Does Mommy Say No? and answered questions. Fast forward 30 hours later at 7pm,  I received the most rewarding email stating that Why Does Mommy Say No? will be accepted as a Bandersnatch Books publication with a proposed release in September of this year.  Contract pending.  I could not be happier with this development!  Thank you for following this journey with me. 

It wouldn’t be the same without you.


Artist’s thoughts

About the Autism Spotlight and an invitation

Words cannot express how I feel about the Autism Spotlight and how far it has already come.  It was one of those awesome things that came about unplanned and naturally.  It was meant to be.  Every month that I have the privilege of introducing you to an awesome and unique individual on the Autism Spectrum feels like I am introducing the world to a brand-new gemstone.  That is the beauty and gift of the human soul; each a completely unique work of art.

Whether you are directly impacted by Autism or not, I hope that you enjoy meeting my Autism Spotlight stars.  By taking the time to think about them and their qualities, you are helping others!  You are increasing your knowledge of the current world. There are many Autists among us.  Many of us are adults and we are diligently contributing to society because we want to.  The Autism Spotlight, I hope, will help you to see and appreciate the Autistic people around you. 

Another thing I have the pleasure of witnessing in the Autism community is Autists desiring to help Autists. As an Autistic adult and professional, I too feel this very deep desire to help and advocate for others who may require more supports than myself.  For instance, I would love to see them have more opportunities to work.  Journey to Jacob’s Ladder, an on-the-spectrum employer based out of Florida, USA, is an excellent example.  This small business is operated by an Autistic adult who was labeled “unemployable” in our current system.  His Mother and caregiver knew that she could not let that sentence stop her son from thriving in the ways that he was capable of.  I love her hashtag that she always uses: #sayhewont (Check out what they have accomplished and their amazing products at www.journeytojacobsladder.com.) Many Autistic people desire to work.  Some do and can because they have the right supports.  I strive to be an increasing contributor to this effort.  I am still a small fish; but this, I hope, is only a matter of time.

Thank you for spending time with me today.  Thank you for exploring the world of Art and Autism appreciation.  I hope that you will support this work by collecting one of my original pieces.  I offer different sizes and price points. If you need help finding the right piece for you or would like to discuss a commissioned piece according to a specific budget, I would love to hear from you and help you find the perfect piece.  Each piece comes with About the Artist material. Simply email me at: ahh.americanartist@gmail.com

Let’s shop

I hope that you enjoy following my work and will offer your support by collecting my art works and sharing my publications. If it brings goodness to your life, I hope that you will consider investing in it for so many reasons and sharing it with others.  To keep this publication going, my art needs to make its way out of the walls of this artist’s home and into new places, in front of new faces.  Which one of my pieces speaks to you? 

Here is what I currently have available for you to collect (scroll down). Simply email me with inquiries: ahh.americanartist@gmail.com. I love answering questions about my art.






“coal dust”







peacefulanyway final edit.png

“peaceful anyway”


“joyful anyway”



pink planet final edit.jpg

“pink planet”


“doorway to Autumn (miniature)”




“Blue Ridge Mountain Summer”


“San Antonio sky”



Accelerated final edit.jpg





“doorway to Autumn”

emeralds Final edit.jpg





“omnes qui errant”


“lex talionis”


“The Narrow Way”



“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.”

— Leonardo da Vinci

Contact me here.

Follow me here.